Friday 28 April 2017


In the corporate world they encourage you to celebrate success, no matter how insignificant it may be.

As I was wrapping up another work week earlier this afternoon, I reminded myself how fortunate I was to have a beautiful home to go to after work. There are still so many things missing or not in place, but when I got home, I decided to open a bottle of wine in honor of the house and everything that IS already in place.  This would the first glass of red since we moved back! Cheers and remember to always keep your glass half full!🍷

Sunday 23 April 2017

The Shopping Phase

I am probably one of the very few women who does not like shopping.  So this phase has been very painful (and of course costly) for me!

On a more positive, things are slowly coming together in the house which totally offsets the shopping challenges. The family room looks amazing and very welcoming,  special thanks goes to my dearest Maryam for spending over an hour rearranging various items on the shelves and buying the gorgeous clock!

Monday 10 April 2017

Post Renovation Updates!

10 days later!

There is still a lot to be done around the house of course; our living room furniture will not be arriving for another month and we are still missing a lot of bits and pieces, from towels to coffee tables, BUT we are home!

Maryam and Mahnaz came over last week to review the expenses for the last time. I am pleased to announce that  despite all the adjustments and upgrades  that we had made throughout the project, our renovation not only finished early but also under budget! Thanks Ladies! Bellavance Home Design Rocks!

Stay tuned for the after pictures!