Saturday 17 December 2016


Yes, we will need new appliances, as well!

Well, you can't have a fancy brand new kitchen with old appliances that also happen to be white, can you? The thought of that would give any home designer and my pocket a heart attack,  for different reasons of course!

We were off on Friday and decided to go shopping. M&M had given us the name and address of a place that they usually use to order appliances for their clients, so we decided to start there. The sizes of the the microwave, stove and dishwasher were standard so that part was a no brainer! The problem was the fridge.... finding a good quality 30" counter depth in stainless steel is like finding a fresh pineapple in North Pole... Good Luck! After 1/2 hour of discussions with the owner of the store and 12 calls to my dear Mahnaz, we came to the conclusion that the 30" was out of the question and upgraded to 33".... not that it made a huge difference, but it sure was a stepping stone. 

The store owner basically told us to stay away from Samsung, because their quality has subsided in the last 2 years. He also showed a few counter depth fridges vs. regular size to show us the difference and tried to convince us to go with the regular depth, which was strongly turned down by Mahnaz in one of those 12 phone calls! Honestly, the counter depth fridges reminded me of those TV commercials, where a good looking lady with a short skirt opens the fridge and the only things she has in there are a few Granny smith apples, a bottle of Perrier water and a container full of spinach... did I mentioned everything happen to be green? Oh So Gorgeous!!  I am not sure how practical the fridge would be, but then shame on me for wanting to have a fancy kitchen!

Anyway, at the end of our tour, the store owner took us to "the back" and showed us the latest and greatest model of the Whirlpool brand, that is to be released in 2017. I have to admit, it looked really nice and included the ice maker which was on our "must have" list. He said that it would also come in the size that we're interested in... so we decided it call it a day and come home.

We have been searching the internet since yesterday and have not been able to find that model. I have asked him to send me the model # so we can look it up, and so far no answer.... I hope he is right, otherwise we will have to go back to square one.... who knows, maybe we will end up with the Samsung after all...

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